
This page provides more details about the code structure and the metadata needs, which we glossed over in the getting started page.

Feel free to skip these explanations if you’re in a hurry, but remember to come back here and learn the code and metadata technical details, as this knowledge will be very helpful when you try to create larger, more complicated channels.

How does a chef script work?

Let’s look at the chef code we used in the getting started tutorial and walk through and comment on the most important parts of the code.

#!/usr/bin/env python
from ricecooker.chefs import SushiChef
from ricecooker.classes.nodes import TopicNode, DocumentNode
from ricecooker.classes.files import DocumentFile
from ricecooker.classes.licenses import get_license

class SimpleChef(SushiChef):                                                 # (1)
    channel_info = {                                                         # (2)
        'CHANNEL_TITLE': 'Potatoes info channel',
        'CHANNEL_SOURCE_DOMAIN': 'gov.mb.ca',                          # change me!
        'CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID': 'website_docs',                           # change me!
        'CHANNEL_LANGUAGE': 'en',
        'CHANNEL_THUMBNAIL': 'https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b7/A_Grande_Batata.jpg',
        'CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION': 'A channel about potatoes.',

    def construct_channel(self, **kwargs):
        channel = self.get_channel(**kwargs)                                 # (3)
        potato_topic = TopicNode(title="Potatoes!", source_id="patates")     # (4)
        channel.add_child(potato_topic)                                      # (5)
        doc_node = DocumentNode(                                             # (6)
            title='Growing potatoes',
            description='An article about growing potatoes on your rooftop.',
            language='en',                                                   # (7)
            license=get_license('CC BY', copyright_holder='U. of Alberta'),  # (8)
              DocumentFile(                                                  # (9)
                path='https://www.gov.mb.ca/inr/pdf/pubs/mafri-potatoe.pdf', # (10)
                language='en',                                               # (11)
        return channel

if __name__ == '__main__':                                                   # (12)
    Run this script on the command line using:
        python simple_chef.py  --token=YOURTOKENHERE9139139f3a23232
    simple_chef = SimpleChef()
    simple_chef.main()                                                       # (13)

Ricecooker Chef API

To use the ricecooker library, you create a sushi chef scripts that define a subclass of the base class ricecooker.chefs.SushiChef, as shown at (1) in the code. By extending SushiChef, your chef class will inherit all the standard functionality provided by the ricecooker framework.

Channel metadata

A chef class should have the attribute channel_info (dict), which contains the metadata for the channel, as shows on line (2). Define the channel_info as follows:

    channel_info = {
        'CHANNEL_TITLE': 'Channel name shown in UI',
        'CHANNEL_SOURCE_DOMAIN': '<sourcedomain.org>',
        'CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID': '<some unique identifier>',     #
        'CHANNEL_LANGUAGE': 'en',                            # use language codes from le_utils
        'CHANNEL_THUMBNAIL': 'http://yourdomain.org/img/logo.jpg', # (optional) local path or url to a thumbnail image
        'CHANNEL_DESCRIPTION': 'What is this channel about?',      # (optional) longer description of the channel

The CHANNEL_SOURCE_DOMAIN identifies the domain name of the organization that produced or is hosting the content (e.g. khanacademy.org or youtube.com). The CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID must be set to some unique identifier for this channel within the domain (e.g. KA-en for the Khan Academy English channel). The combination of CHANNEL_SOURCE_DOMAIN and CHANNEL_SOURCE_ID is used to compute the channel_id for the Kolibri channel you’re creating.

Construct channel

The code responsible for building the structure of the channel your channel by adding TopicNodes, ContentNodess, files, and exercises questions lives here. This is where most of the work of writing a chef script happens.

You chef class should have a method with the signature:

def construct_channel(self, **kwargs) -> ChannelNode:

To write the construct_channel method of your chef class, start by getting the ChannelNode for this channel by calling self.get_channel(**kwargs). An instance of the ChannelNode will be constructed for you, from the metadata provided in self.channel_info. Once you have the ChannelNode instance, the rest of your chef’s construct_channel method is responsible for constructing the channel by adding various Nodes objects to the channel using add_child.

Topic nodes

Topic nodes are folder-like containers that are used to organize the channel’s content. Line (4) shows how to create a TopicNode (folder) instance titled “Potatoes!”. Line (5) shows how to add the newly created topic node to the channel. You can use topic nodes to build arbitrary hierarchies based on subject, language, grade levels, or any other organizational structure that is best suited for the specific content source. Reach out to the Learning Equality content team if you’re not sure how to structure your channel. We’ve got experience with both technical and curriculum aspects of creating channels and will be able to guide you to a structure that best first the needs of learners and teachers.

Content nodes

The ricecooker library provides classes like DocumentNode, VideoNode, AudioNode, etc., to store the metadata associate with content items. Each content node also has one or more files associated with it, EPubFile, DocumentFile, VideoFile, AudioFile, ThumbnailFile, etc.

Line (6) shows how to create a DocumentNode to store the metadata for a pdf file. The title and description attributes are set. We also set the source_id attribute to a unique identifier for this document. The document does not specify authors, so we set the author attribute to None.

On (7), we set language attribute to the internal language code en, to indicate the content node is in English. We use the same language code later on line (11) to indicate the file contents are in English. The Python package le-utils defines the internal language codes used throughout the Kolibri platform (e.g. en, es-MX, and zul). To find the internal language code for a given language, you can locate it in the lookup table, or use one of the language lookup helper functions defined in le_utils.constants.languages.

Line (8) shows how we set the license attribute to the appropriate instance of ricecooker.classes.licenses.License. All non-topic nodes must be assigned a license upon initialization. You can obtain the appropriate license object using the helper function get_license defined in ricecooker.classes.licenses. Use the predefined license ids given in le_utils.constants.licenses as the first argument to the get_license helper function.


On lines (9, 10, and 11), we create a DocumentFile instance and set the appropriate path and language attributes. Note that path can be either a local filesystem path, or a web URL (as in the above example). Paths that point to web URLs will be downloaded automatically when the chef runs and cached locally. Note the default ricecooker behaviour is to cache downloaded files forever. Use the --update argument to bypass the cached and re-download all files. The --update must be used whenever files are modified but the path stays the same.

Command line interface

You can run your chef script by passing the appropriate command line arguments:

./sushichef.py --token=YOURTOKENHERE9139139f3a23232

The most important argument when running a chef script is --token which is used to pass in the Studio Access Token obtained in Step 1.

To see the full list of ricecooker command line options, run ./sushichef.py -h. For more details about running chef scripts see the chefops page.

Deploying the channel

At the end of the chef run the complete channel (files and metadata) will be uploaded to “draft version” of the channel called a “staging tree”. The purpose of the staging tree is to allow channel editors can to review the changes in the “draft version” as compared to the current version of the channel. Use the DEPLOY button in the Studio web interface to activate the “draft copy” and make it visible to all Studio users.

Publishing the channel

The PUBLISH button on Studio is used to save and export a new version of the channel. The PUBLISH action exports all the channel metadata to a sqlite3 DB file served by Studio at the URL /content/{{channel_id}}.sqlite3 and ensure the associated files exist in /content/storage/ which is served by a CDN. This step is a prerequisite for getting the channel out of Studio and into Kolibri.

Next steps

After these tutorial and explanations, you are ready to take things into your own hands and learn about: