Kolibri Language Codes

The file le_utils/constants/languages.py and the lookup table in le_utils/resources/languagelookup.json define the internal representation for languages codes used by Ricecooker, Kolibri, and Kolibri Studio to identify content items in different languages.

The internal representation uses a mixture of two-letter codes (e.g. en), two-letter-and-country code (e.g. pt-BR for Brazilian Portuguese), and three-letter codes (e.g., zul for Zulu).

In order to make sure you have the correct language code when interfacing with the Kolibri ecosystem (e.g. when uploading new content to Kolibri Studio), you must lookup the language object using the helper method getlang:

>>> from le_utils.constants.languages import getlang
>>> language_obj = getlang('en')       # lookup language using language code
>>> language_obj
Language(native_name='English', primary_code='en', subcode=None, name='English', ka_name=None)

The function getlang will return None if the lookup fails. In such cases, you can try lookup by name or lookup by alpha2 code (ISO_639-1) methods defined below.

Once you’ve successfully looked up the language object, you can obtain the internal representation language code from the language object’s code attribute:

>>> language_obj.code

The ricecooker API expects these internal representation language codes will be supplied for all language attributes (channel language, node language, and files language).

More lookup helper methods

The helper method getlang_by_name allows you to lookup a language by name:

>>> from le_utils.constants.languages import getlang_by_name
>>> language_obj = getlang_by_name('English')  # lookup language by name
>>> language_obj
Language(native_name='English', primary_code='en', subcode=None, name='English', ka_name=None)

The module le_utils.constants.languages defines two other language lookup methods:

  • Use getlang_by_native_name for lookup up names by native language name, e.g., you look for ‘Français’ to find French.

  • Use getlang_by_alpha2 to perform lookups using the standard two-letter codes defined in ISO_639-1 that are supported by the pycountries library.